Frequently Asked Questions – Wholesale
We are here to help!
Please email us using the button below if you would like to change your order. If it hasn’t yet shipped, we will do our best to make changes.
Please email us using the button below if you would like to change your shipping address. If it hasn’t yet shipped, we will do our best to make changes.
All orders are shipped via USPS Priority shipping from Rockville, Maryland. Expedited shipping methods and other carriers may be used at retailer’s expense. We ship to Canada but do not ship to other non-US countries at this time. Canadian orders are subject to various customs restrictions and may have different shipping requirements. Retailers are responsible for all shipping, duty fees and taxes that may occur.
We accept Visa and Mastercard through our online secure payment system.
Please inspect all shipments immediately upon arrival. Merchandise may not be returned or exchanged. We only accept returns in the case of defective merchandise.
Please contact [email protected] within 5 (five) days of receipt of damaged or defective shipments. Please keep all packaging, including packaging materials, even if damaged, while we process your return. Returned merchandise will be repaired or replaced with new merchandise if unable to be repaired. Returned merchandise will not be accepted if it is held for more than 15 days after receipt or if returned without contacting us to report damage or defects as outlined above. Retailer is responsible for all return shipping charges.